Documentation of ThumbBarButtons.au3

Created with HTMHelp (c) chesstiger

Function List

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Description: Initializes the UDF objects and callbacks.
Return Value:
Author: chesstiger
Related: _TBB_Shutdown
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Description: Disposes the UDF objects and callbacks.
Return Value:
Author: chesstiger
Related: _TBB_Init
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_TBB_Create($hWnd, $iButtonCount)
Description: Creates the basic array of THUMBBUTTON structures.
Return Value:
  The THUMBBUTTON struct array (not required).
  $hWnd - The window handle to set the buttons for.
  $iButtonCount - The count of buttons.
Author: chesstiger
Related: _TBB_SetButton, _TBB_Update
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_TBB_SetButton($hWnd, $iButton, $sTooltip, $iFlags, $hIcon = 0)
Description: Sets the data for the specified button number.
Return Value:
  A control id, to handle the button events (can used for GUISetOnEvent or in GUIGetMsg loop).
  $hWnd - The window handle (same as by _TBB_CreateButton).
  $iButton - The button number to set the data for.
  $sTooltip - The mouseover text.
  $iFlags - Flags
    $THBF_ENABLED - The button is enabled.
    $THBF_DISABLED - The button is disabled.
    $THBF_DISMISSIONCLICK - The thumbbar will not close after a click.
    $THBF_NOBACKGROUND - The button has no background or border.
    $THBF_HIDDEN - The button is not visible.
    $THBF_NOINTERACTIVE - The button has no optical feedback on a click.
  $hIcon (Optional) - An icon handle to display. If 0, the corrisponding image from the ImageList is taken.

Author: chestiger
Related: _TBB_Create, _TBB_Update
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_TBB_Update($hWnd, $hImageList)
Description: Finally sends the data to Windows.
Return Value:
  $hWnd - The window handle (same as by _TBB_CreateButton).
  $hImageList - An image list.
Author: chesstiger
Related: _TBB_Create, _TBB_SetButton